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5 files changed, 45 insertions, 197 deletions
diff --git a/INSTALL b/INSTALL
index 5fe4680..80846dd 100644
@@ -1,38 +1,7 @@
-INSTALL for pam_pwdfile PAM module - Charl P. Botha <cpbotha@ieee.org>
-This file is the quick and dirty on how to get pam_pwdfile compiled on your
-system. As per usual, I can not be held responsible for the results of the
-application of this information.
-1. Get the Linux PAM source code tarball. Currently, this is at:
-2. Extract the tarball somewhere convenient:
-bunzip2 -c Linux-PAM-0.75.tar.bz2 | tar -xvf -
-3. Prepare pam_pwdfile
-cd Linux-PAM-0.75/modules
-tar -xzvf /where/you/put/it/pam_pwdfile-x.y.tar.gz
-cd ..
-(x.y represents the pam_pwdfile version, e.g. 0.7)
-4. Prepare Linux-PAM
-rm default.defs
-ln -s defs/whatever.defs default.defs (on my system whatever == debian)
-5. in Linux-PAM-0.75/ do:
- make all
- NOTE: if you only need pam_pwdfile and some of the other modules are
- causing you problems during compilation, go and delete them (i.e.
- delete the whole module dir, e.g. rm -rf modules/pam_pwdb) and then
- restart make all in the top level directory.
-6. When you're done, there should be a pam_pwdfile.so in modules/pam_pwdfile;
- copy this into your pam modules directory. (this is /lib/security/ on my
- debian 2.2. system)
-7. You should now be operational. See the README for more info.
-Remember that pam_pwdfile is packaged as a .deb and is part of the official
-Debian distribution.
+* install needed packages (if not installed already):
+ * make
+ * C compiler (e.g. gcc or clang)
+ * libc development headers (package libc6-dev on Debian, glibc-headers on Hat)
+ * PAM development headers (package libpam-dev on Debian, pam-devel on Hat)
+* make
+* make install
diff --git a/README b/README
index 4f07913..568cf5a 100644
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@ -1,53 +1,38 @@
-README for pam_pwdfile PAM module - Charl P. Botha <cpbotha@ieee.org>
-This pam module can be used for the authentication service only, in cases
-where one wants to use a different set of passwords than those in the main
-system password database. E.g. in our case we have an imap server running,
-and prefer to keep the imap passwords different from the system passwords
-for security reasons.
-The /etc/pam.d/imap looks like this (e.g.)
-auth required /lib/security/pam_pwdfile.so pwdfile /etc/imap.passwd
-account required /lib/security/pam_pwdb.so
-At the moment the only parameters that pam_pwdfile.so parses for is
-"pwdfile", followed by the name of the ASCII password database, as in the
-above example. Also, thanks to Jacob Schroeder <jacob@quantec.de>,
-pam_pwdfile now supports password file locking. Adding a "flock" parameter
-activates this feature: pam_pwdfile uses and honours flock() file locking on
-the specified password file. Specifying "noflock" or no flock-type
-parameter at all deactivates this feature.
-auth required /lib/security/pam_pwdfile.so pwdfile /etc/blah.passwd flock
-Like other PAM modules, pam_pwdfile causes a 2 second delay when an
-incorrect password is supplied. This is too discourage brute force testing;
-however, this behaviour can be disabled with a "nodelay" parameter. Thanks
-to Ethan Benson for this patch.
-The ASCII password file is simply a list of lines, each looking like this:
-username:crypted_passwd[13] in the case of vanilla crypted passwords and
-username:crypted_passwd[34] in the case of MD5 crypted passwords. The
-latter is thanks to Warwick Duncan <warwick@chemeng.uct.ac.za>. pam_pwdfile
-also handles bigcrypt passwords.
-* Also have a look at the files in the contrib subdirectory.
- Especially if you're having trouble building paw_pwdfile, the
- Makefile.standalone could be your new friend.
-* Warwick has also written a utility for managing the password files that
-pam_pwdfile uses. The website has disappeared, but I've mirrored the
-source code here: http://cpbotha.net/files/mirror/chpwdfile-0.24.tar.gz
-* Note that we still expect users to have accounts in the usual place, as we
-make use of the pam_pwdb.so module for the account service. This module is
-just so that one can have multiple sets of passwords for different services,
-e.g. with our /etc/imap.passwd. It is however possible with certain
-applications patched for pam (Cyrus IMAP server e.g.) that one does not need
-the users to exist in the system database.
+This pam module provides the authentication service using an own set of user/password pairs.
+simple PAM config
+Just add/change the config file for service to contain the line:
+auth required pam_pwdfile.so pwdfile=/path/to/passwd_file
+If your service does more with PAM than auth there will be a fallback to the service "other".
+If that is not what you want, you can use pam_permit.so or pam_deny.so for that:
+account required pam_permit.so
+session required pam_permit.so
+password required pam_deny.so
+* pwdfile=<file>
+* debug: produce a bit of debug output
+* nodelay: don't tell the PAM stack to cause a delay on auth failure
+* flock: use a shared (read) advisory lock on pwdfile, you should better move new versions into place instead
+* legacy_crypt: turns on bigcrypt and "broken md5_crypt", you will only need that if you use password hashes from another system that uses those algorithms
+The password file basically looks like passwd(5): one line for each user with two or more colon-separated fields.
+First field contains the username, the second the crypt()ed password.
+Other field are optional.
+crypt()ed passwords in various formats can be generated with mkpasswd from the whois package.
diff --git a/contrib/README.txt b/contrib/README.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 1c0f886..0000000
--- a/contrib/README.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-* Makefile.standalone-0.95 and pam-pwdfile.spec were contributed by Jason F.
- McBrayer <jason@xeran.com>. You can use these for building RPMs of
- pam_pwdfile; you should also be able to use the Makefile to build
- pam_pwdfile on other platforms _without_ the Linux-PAM hierarchy.
-* warwick_duncan-cyrus_without_system_accounts.txt is a short explanation by
- Warwick Duncan on how to get Cyrus IMAPD + pam_pwdfile to work WITHOUT
- having to create system accounts for IMAPD users.
-* Makefile.standalone was contributed by Gerald Richter and should be more
- up to date than Makefile.standalone-0.95. The primary difference is that
- Gerald's Makefile also takes into account the new md5 code.
diff --git a/contrib/pam-pwdfile.spec b/contrib/pam-pwdfile.spec
deleted file mode 100644
index cbcd88a..0000000
--- a/contrib/pam-pwdfile.spec
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-%define nam pam-pwdfile
-%define ver 0.95
-%define prefix /usr
-%define docdir %{prefix}/doc/%{nam}-%{ver}
-%define installer /usr/bin/install
-Summary: A PAM module that allows users to authenticate on htpasswd-type files separate from /etc/passwd.
-Name: pam-pwdfile
-Version: %{ver}
-Release: 1
-Copyright: LGPL
-Group: System Environment/Base
-Source0: %{nam}-%{ver}.tar.gz
-Source1: pam-pwdfile-Makefile.standalone
-URL: http://cpbotha.net/pam_pwdfile.html
-Distribution: Xeran Internal Packages
-Vendor: Xeran Technologies
-Packager: Jason F. McBrayer <jason@xeran.com>
-BuildRoot: /var/tmp/%{nam}-%{ver}-root
-BuildPrereq: pam
-Requires: pam
-This pam module can be used for the authentication service only, in cases
-where one wants to use a different set of passwords than those in the main
-system password database. E.g. in our case we have an imap server running,
-and prefer to keep the imap passwords different from the system passwords
-for security reasons.
-cp $RPM_SOURCE_DIR/pam-pwdfile-Makefile.standalone $RPM_BUILD_DIR/%{nam}-%{ver}/Makefile.standalone
-make -f Makefile.standalone
-make -f Makefile.standalone PAM_LIB_DIR="$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/security" install
-%attr(0755, root, root) /lib/security/pam_pwdfile.so
-%attr(-, root, root) %doc README
-%attr(-, root, root) %doc changelog
diff --git a/contrib/warwick_duncan-cyrus_without_system_accounts.txt b/contrib/warwick_duncan-cyrus_without_system_accounts.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 0144af1..0000000
--- a/contrib/warwick_duncan-cyrus_without_system_accounts.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-On Tue, Jan 14, 2003 at 01:06:02AM +0100, Charl P. Botha wrote:
-> ----- Forwarded message from Darren Gibbons -----
-> It is however possible with certain applications patched for pam
-> (Cyrus IMAP server e.g.) that one does not need the users to
-> exist in the system database.
-I've got it working with cyrus 2.0 and 2.1, so I'll give some pointers
-on both. When I say `cyrus x' I mean cyrus imapd version x and
-whichever version of sasl you need with it.
-Cyrus 2.0
-- sasl must be configured with `--with-pam --enable-plain'; it doesn't
- hurt to add `--disable cram --disable-digest'
-- imapd must be configured with `--with-auth=unix' (sounds like you got
- that right)
-- in imapd.conf you need the line
- sasl_pwcheck_method: PAM
-- in /etc/pam.d/imap (on FreeBSD I believe you use /etc/pam.conf, but
- the idea is similar) you need
- auth required pam_pwdfile.so pwdfile /path/to/passwordfile
- account required pam_permit.so
-- make sure your password file is readable by user cyrus
-The idea of all this is to use the SASL PLAIN mechanism to get the
-password in plaintext and then get SASL to leave the authentication to
-PAM, which will use pam_pwdfile.
-Cyrus 2.1
-- same as above, but different ;) in the details
-- sasl must be configured with `--with-pam --with-saslauthd
- --enable-plain' and I disable the rest (checkapop, digest, otp, krb4,
- etc.)
-- imapd should be configured with `--with-auth=unix'
-- in imapd.conf you need the line
- sasl_pwcheck_method: saslauthd
-- start up saslauthd with `saslauthd -a pam'
-- you need the /etc/pam.d/imap as above, as well as (an identical)
- /etc/pam.d/sieve if you use timsieved
-I think that about covers it. One tricky bit with SASL is to get the
-right mechanisms advertised; I do this by only compiling in support for
-PLAIN and LOGIN. If the rest don't exist they can't cause problems.