/* * ssh-agent-filter.C -- filtering proxy for ssh-agent meant to be forwarded to untrusted servers * * Copyright (C) 2013 Timo Weingärtner * * This file is part of ssh-agent-filter. * * ssh-agent-filter is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * ssh-agent-filter is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with ssh-agent-filter. If not, see . */ #include namespace po = boost::program_options; #include namespace fs = boost::filesystem; #include #include #include #include namespace io = boost::iostreams; #include using std::string; #include using std::vector; #include #include #include using std::cout; using std::clog; using std::endl; using std::flush; #include using std::runtime_error; using std::length_error; using std::invalid_argument; #include using std::system_error; using std::system_category; #include using std::pair; using std::move; #include using std::count; #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "rfc4251.h" #include "ssh-agent.h" #include "version.h" #ifndef SOCK_CLOEXEC #define SOCK_CLOEXEC 0 #endif vector allowed_b64; vector allowed_md5; vector allowed_comment; vector confirmed_b64; vector confirmed_md5; vector confirmed_comment; std::set allowed_pubkeys; std::map confirmed_pubkeys; bool debug{false}; bool all_confirmed{false}; string saf_name; fs::path path; string md5_hex (string const & s) { struct md5_ctx ctx; md5_init(&ctx); md5_update(&ctx, s.size(), reinterpret_cast(s.data())); uint8_t bin[MD5_DIGEST_SIZE]; md5_digest(&ctx, MD5_DIGEST_SIZE, bin); uint8_t hex[BASE16_ENCODE_LENGTH(MD5_DIGEST_SIZE)]; base16_encode_update(hex, MD5_DIGEST_SIZE, bin); return {reinterpret_cast(hex), sizeof(hex)}; } string base64_encode (string const & s) { struct base64_encode_ctx ctx; base64_encode_init(&ctx); uint8_t b64[BASE64_ENCODE_LENGTH(s.size())]; auto len = base64_encode_update(&ctx, b64, s.size(), reinterpret_cast(s.data())); len += base64_encode_final(&ctx, b64 + len); return {reinterpret_cast(b64), len}; } void cloexec (int fd) { if (fcntl(fd, F_SETFD, fcntl(fd, F_GETFD) | FD_CLOEXEC)) throw system_error(errno, system_category(), "fcntl"); } void arm(std::ios & stream) { stream.exceptions(stream.badbit | stream.failbit); } int make_upstream_agent_conn () { char const * path; int sock; struct sockaddr_un addr; if (!(path = getenv("SSH_AUTH_SOCK"))) throw invalid_argument("no $SSH_AUTH_SOCK"); if ((sock = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM | SOCK_CLOEXEC, 0)) == -1) throw system_error(errno, system_category(), "socket"); cloexec(sock); addr.sun_family = AF_UNIX; if (strlen(path) >= sizeof(addr.sun_path)) throw length_error("$SSH_AUTH_SOCK too long"); strcpy(addr.sun_path, path); if (connect(sock, reinterpret_cast(&addr), sizeof(addr))) throw system_error(errno, system_category(), "connect"); return sock; } int make_listen_sock () { int sock; struct sockaddr_un addr; if ((sock = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM | SOCK_CLOEXEC, 0)) == -1) throw system_error(errno, system_category(), "socket"); cloexec(sock); addr.sun_family = AF_UNIX; if (path.native().length() >= sizeof(addr.sun_path)) throw length_error("path for listen socket too long"); strcpy(addr.sun_path, path.c_str()); if (bind(sock, reinterpret_cast(&addr), sizeof(addr))) throw system_error(errno, system_category(), "bind"); if (listen(sock, 0)) throw system_error(errno, system_category(), "listen"); return sock; } void parse_cmdline (int const argc, char const * const * const argv) { po::options_description opts{"OPTIONS"}; opts.add_options() ("all-confirmed,A", po::bool_switch(&all_confirmed),"allow all other keys with confirmation") ("comment,c", po::value(&allowed_comment), "key specified by comment") ("comment-confirmed,C", po::value(&confirmed_comment), "key specified by comment, with confirmation") ("debug,d", po::bool_switch(&debug), "show some debug info, don't fork") ("fingerprint,fp,f", po::value(&allowed_md5), "key specified by pubkey's hex-encoded md5 fingerprint") ("fingerprint-confirmed,F", po::value(&confirmed_md5), "key specified by pubkey's hex-encoded md5 fingerprint, with confirmation") ("help,h", "print this help message") ("key,k", po::value(&allowed_b64), "key specified by base64-encoded pubkey") ("key-confirmed,K", po::value(&confirmed_b64), "key specified by base64-encoded pubkey, with confirmation") ("name,n", po::value(&saf_name), "name for this instance of ssh-agent-filter, for confirmation puposes") ("version,V", "print version information") ; po::variables_map config; store(parse_command_line(argc, argv, opts), config); notify(config); if (config.count("help")) { cout << "Invocation: ssh-agent-filter [ OPTIONS ]" << endl; cout << opts << endl; exit(EX_OK); } if (config.count("version")) { cout << SSH_AGENT_FILTER_VERSION << endl; exit(EX_OK); } // canonicalize hashes for (auto & s : allowed_md5) for (auto it = s.begin(); it != s.end(); ) if (isxdigit(*it)) { *it = tolower(*it); ++it; } else it = s.erase(it); } void setup_filters () { io::stream agent{make_upstream_agent_conn(), io::close_handle}; arm(agent); agent << rfc4251string{string{SSH2_AGENTC_REQUEST_IDENTITIES}}; rfc4251string answer{agent}; io::stream answer_iss{answer.data(), answer.size()}; arm(answer_iss); rfc4251byte resp_code{answer_iss}; if (resp_code != SSH2_AGENT_IDENTITIES_ANSWER) throw runtime_error{"unexpected answer from ssh-agent"}; rfc4251uint32 keycount{answer_iss}; for (uint32_t i = keycount; i; --i) { rfc4251string key{answer_iss}; rfc4251string comment{answer_iss}; auto b64 = base64_encode(key); if (debug) clog << b64 << endl; auto md5 = md5_hex(key); if (debug) clog << md5 << endl; string comm(comment); if (debug) clog << comm << endl; bool allow{false}; if (count(allowed_b64.begin(), allowed_b64.end(), b64)) { allow = true; if (debug) clog << "key allowed by equal base64 representation" << endl; } if (count(allowed_md5.begin(), allowed_md5.end(), md5)) { allow = true; if (debug) clog << "key allowed by matching md5 fingerprint" << endl; } if (count(allowed_comment.begin(), allowed_comment.end(), comm)) { allow = true; if (debug) clog << "key allowed by matching comment" << endl; } if (allow) allowed_pubkeys.emplace(move(key)); else { bool confirm{false}; if (count(confirmed_b64.begin(), confirmed_b64.end(), b64)) { confirm = true; if (debug) clog << "key allowed with confirmation by equal base64 representation" << endl; } if (count(confirmed_md5.begin(), confirmed_md5.end(), md5)) { confirm = true; if (debug) clog << "key allowed with confirmation by matching md5 fingerprint" << endl; } if (count(confirmed_comment.begin(), confirmed_comment.end(), comm)) { confirm = true; if (debug) clog << "key allowed with confirmation by matching comment" << endl; } if (all_confirmed) { confirm = true; if (debug) clog << "key allowed with confirmation by catch-all (-A)" << endl; } if (confirm) confirmed_pubkeys.emplace(move(key), move(comm)); } if (debug) clog << endl; } } bool confirm (string const & question) { char const * sap; if (!(sap = getenv("SSH_ASKPASS"))) sap = "ssh-askpass"; pid_t pid = fork(); if (pid < 0) throw runtime_error("fork()"); if (pid == 0) { // child char const * args[3] = { sap, question.c_str(), nullptr }; // see execvp(3p) for cast rationale execvp(sap, const_cast(args)); throw system_error(errno, system_category(), "exec"); } else { // parent int status; return waitpid(pid, &status, 0) > 0 && WIFEXITED(status) && WEXITSTATUS(status) == 0; } } bool dissect_auth_data_ssh (rfc4251string const & data, string & request_description) try { io::stream datastream{data.data(), data.size()}; arm(datastream); // Format specified in RFC 4252 Section 7 rfc4251string session_identifier{datastream}; rfc4251byte requesttype{datastream}; rfc4251string username{datastream}; rfc4251string servicename{datastream}; rfc4251string publickeystring{datastream}; rfc4251bool shouldbetrue{datastream}; rfc4251string publickeyalgorithm{datastream}; rfc4251string publickey{datastream}; request_description = "The request is for an ssh connection as user '" + string{username} + "' with service name '" + string{servicename} + "'."; return true; } catch (...) { return false; } rfc4251string handle_request (rfc4251string const & r) { io::stream request{r.data(), r.size()}; rfc4251string ret; io::stream>> answer{ret.value}; arm(request); arm(answer); rfc4251byte request_code{request}; switch (request_code) { case SSH2_AGENTC_REQUEST_IDENTITIES: { io::stream agent{make_upstream_agent_conn(), io::close_handle}; arm(agent); agent << rfc4251string{string{SSH2_AGENTC_REQUEST_IDENTITIES}}; // temp to test key filtering when signing //return rfc4251string{agent}; rfc4251string agent_answer{agent}; io::stream agent_answer_iss{agent_answer.data(), agent_answer.size()}; arm(agent_answer_iss); rfc4251byte answer_code{agent_answer_iss}; rfc4251uint32 keycount{agent_answer_iss}; if (answer_code != SSH2_AGENT_IDENTITIES_ANSWER) throw runtime_error{"unexpected answer from ssh-agent"}; vector> keys; for (uint32_t i = keycount; i; --i) { rfc4251string key{agent_answer_iss}; rfc4251string comment{agent_answer_iss}; if (allowed_pubkeys.count(key) or confirmed_pubkeys.count(key)) keys.emplace_back(move(key), move(comment)); } answer << answer_code << rfc4251uint32{static_cast(keys.size())}; for (auto const & k : keys) answer << k.first << k.second; } break; case SSH2_AGENTC_SIGN_REQUEST: { rfc4251string key{request}; rfc4251string data{request}; rfc4251uint32 flags{request}; bool allow{false}; if (allowed_pubkeys.count(key)) allow = true; else { auto it = confirmed_pubkeys.find(key); if (it != confirmed_pubkeys.end()) { string request_description; bool dissect_ok{false}; if (!dissect_ok) dissect_ok = dissect_auth_data_ssh(data, request_description); if (!dissect_ok) request_description = "The request format is unknown."; string question = "Something behind the ssh-agent-filter"; if (saf_name.length()) question += " named '" + saf_name + "'"; question += " requested use of the key named '" + it->second + "'.\n"; question += request_description; allow = confirm(question); } } if (allow) { io::stream agent{make_upstream_agent_conn(), io::close_handle}; arm(agent); rfc4251string agent_answer; agent << r; return rfc4251string{agent}; } else answer << rfc4251byte{SSH_AGENT_FAILURE}; } break; case SSH_AGENTC_REQUEST_RSA_IDENTITIES: answer << rfc4251byte{SSH_AGENT_RSA_IDENTITIES_ANSWER}; // we got no SSHv1 keys answer << rfc4251uint32{0}; break; case SSH_AGENTC_REMOVE_ALL_RSA_IDENTITIES: answer << rfc4251byte{SSH_AGENT_SUCCESS}; break; case SSH_AGENTC_RSA_CHALLENGE: case SSH_AGENTC_ADD_RSA_IDENTITY: case SSH_AGENTC_REMOVE_RSA_IDENTITY: case SSH_AGENTC_ADD_RSA_ID_CONSTRAINED: case SSH2_AGENTC_ADD_IDENTITY: case SSH2_AGENTC_REMOVE_IDENTITY: case SSH2_AGENTC_REMOVE_ALL_IDENTITIES: case SSH2_AGENTC_ADD_ID_CONSTRAINED: case SSH_AGENTC_ADD_SMARTCARD_KEY: case SSH_AGENTC_REMOVE_SMARTCARD_KEY: case SSH_AGENTC_LOCK: case SSH_AGENTC_UNLOCK: case SSH_AGENTC_ADD_SMARTCARD_KEY_CONSTRAINED: default: answer << rfc4251byte{SSH_AGENT_FAILURE}; break; } answer << flush; return ret; } void handle_client (int const sock) try { io::stream client{sock, io::close_handle}; arm(client); for (;;) client << handle_request(rfc4251string{client}) << flush; } catch (...) { } void sighandler (int sig) { switch (sig) { case SIGPIPE: break; default: remove(path); std::exit(0); } } int main (int const argc, char const * const * const argv) { parse_cmdline(argc, argv); setup_filters(); path = fs::current_path() / ("agent." + std::to_string(getpid())); int listen_sock = make_listen_sock(); if (not debug) { pid_t pid = fork(); if (pid == -1) throw system_error(errno, system_category(), "fork"); if (pid > 0) { cout << "SSH_AUTH_SOCK='" << path.native() << "'; export SSH_AUTH_SOCK;" << endl; cout << "SSH_AGENT_PID='" << pid << "'; export SSH_AGENT_PID;" << endl; cout << "echo 'Agent pid " << pid << "';" << endl; exit(EX_OK); } setsid(); chdir("/"); int devnull = open("/dev/null", O_RDWR); dup2(devnull, 0); dup2(devnull, 1); dup2(devnull, 2); close(devnull); } else { cout << "copy this to another terminal:" << endl; cout << "SSH_AUTH_SOCK='" << path.native() << "'; export SSH_AUTH_SOCK;" << endl; } signal(SIGINT, sighandler); signal(SIGPIPE, sighandler); signal(SIGHUP, sighandler); signal(SIGTERM, sighandler); int client_sock; while ((client_sock = accept(listen_sock, nullptr, nullptr)) != -1) { std::thread t{handle_client, client_sock}; t.detach(); } }