%define nam pam-pwdfile %define ver 0.95 %define prefix /usr %define docdir %{prefix}/doc/%{nam}-%{ver} %define installer /usr/bin/install Summary: A PAM module that allows users to authenticate on htpasswd-type files separate from /etc/passwd. Name: pam-pwdfile Version: %{ver} Release: 1 Copyright: LGPL Group: System Environment/Base Source0: %{nam}-%{ver}.tar.gz Source1: pam-pwdfile-Makefile.standalone URL: http://cpbotha.net/pam_pwdfile.html Distribution: Xeran Internal Packages Vendor: Xeran Technologies Packager: Jason F. McBrayer BuildRoot: /var/tmp/%{nam}-%{ver}-root BuildPrereq: pam Requires: pam %description This pam module can be used for the authentication service only, in cases where one wants to use a different set of passwords than those in the main system password database. E.g. in our case we have an imap server running, and prefer to keep the imap passwords different from the system passwords for security reasons. %prep %setup cp $RPM_SOURCE_DIR/pam-pwdfile-Makefile.standalone $RPM_BUILD_DIR/%{nam}-%{ver}/Makefile.standalone %build make -f Makefile.standalone %install make -f Makefile.standalone PAM_LIB_DIR="$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/security" install %files %attr(0755, root, root) /lib/security/pam_pwdfile.so %attr(-, root, root) %doc README %attr(-, root, root) %doc changelog